Will o' the Wisp

Will o’the Wisp – HVD***
95m, 6 pitches. This is a popular route due to its inclusion in Ken Wilson’s Classic Rock book. A rising traverse left across the buttress. Start at the middle of the buttress at a break in the vegetation. The pitches are optional and many are done together, i.e. 1-2 and 3-4.
25m. Follow the initial weakness towards a small tree and a large block. After the block, climb a rightward-slanting slab to a short wall and take this to a good stance to the right.
8m. Climb an obvious crack above to a bulge, and then traverse up a ramp to an obvious ledge where a nut-slot belay can be taken. Just above you there should be a small square block of stone protruding from the cliff face.
15m. Follow the ledge leftwards around a bulge in the rock-face, passing a small spike to gain a short ramp. Go up this with little difficulty and move delicately across a slab to an obvious crack. Climb the crack to the next ledge and set up a belay.
17m. Walk along the ledge and step over a gap to a stance under a small overhang. Carry on traversing left along the gradually slanting rock-face which has some good holds. Finally climb up to a ledge close to the arête under an overhanging wall.
8m. Move to the arête and feel around the corner for the jug in a very exposed position. Climb on good holds to a large ledge and a tree to belay from.
18m. The last pitch is a series of large square blocks. Climb up the blocks at first rightwards then leftwards towards a small tree in a crack. Finish by climbing the crack. A nut slot on the right and a thread on the left for anchors.