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Doom – VS 4c*** (Yellow)


120m, 4 pitches.

This is a brilliant line that is incredibly sustained and at the top of the VS grade. The climbing links two huge corner systems to the right of the rib of Acheron. Although appearances would suggest otherwise the amount of vegetation in view does not really get in the way of the climbing.

  1. 4c, 36m. Climb the corner until it steepens and curves left.  Move up and right to a large ledge with a flake and nut belay.

  2. 4c, 28m. Move right and climb a rib to more open ground. Sustained climbing slightly left and then right gains a position below an overhang in the corner. Make an awkward pull over the overhang and climb the corner a few metres to a small block and good nut belays.

  3. 4c, 36m. Move up the corner for a couple of metres and step left to a niche on the slab. Follow the excellent crack up the slab and go left to a spike on the arête. Continue up the corner above until it becomes choked with grass and from a good nut make a difficult step left across the slab to easier ground. Climb direct up the slab and then grass to a big tree below bulging rock.

  4. 4b, 20m. Pull steeply onto the wall above the right-hand end of the bulging rock and climb a short way on rock before grass and heather lead up to belays in boulders.

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